- Entries can reference two runs of Options with zero to fifteen options each in order to reference additional information.
Entries可以引用两个Option Run,每个option run有0到15个Option,以便引用附加信息。 - Note 注意 :
Entries support two option runs to allow referencing the same Options by different Entries. With a single option run, sharing Endpoint Options while having different Configuration Options per Entry would not have work efficiently.
Entry支持两个option run,以允许通过不同的entry引用相同的option。 使用单个option run时,共享endpoint option,同时为每个entry配置不同的Configuration Option将无法高效工作。 - The first option run starts with the option referenced by the field Index 1st options and references zero to fifteen options.
first option run以Index 1st option引用的option开始,并引用0到15个option。 - The number of options referenced by the first option run is determined by the field # of opt 1.
first option run引用的option数量由字段# of opt 1 确定。 - The second option run starts with the option referenced by the field Index 2nd options and references zero to fifteen options.
Second option run以Index 2nd option引用的option开始,并引用0到15个option。 - The number of options referenced by the second option run is determined by the field # of opt 2.
Second option run引用的option数量由字段# of opt 2 确定。

The following table shows which Option is allowed to be carried by different Entries.
Endpoint Options (IPv4 and IPv6) | Multicast Options (IPv4 and IPv6) | Configuration Option | |
FindService | Allowed | ||
OfferService | Allowed | Allowed | |
StopOfferService | Allowed | Allowed | |
SubscribeEventgroup | Allowed | Allowed | |
StopSubscribeEventgroup | Allowed | Allowed | |
SubscribeEventgroupAck | Allowed | Allowed | |
SubscribeEventgroupNack | Allowed |